Octo or SmellyOctopus is a streamer that started out on YouTube and moved to Twitch two almost three years ago. The name SmellyOctopus came from him and his wife when they when they met and became friends he called her Smelly Kelly as a joke and she called him octopus since his name is Octavio.
Helping with

Around a month or two of being in streams I started helping mods keep track of somethings in stream and othere things for Octo like keeping track of what games hes played on stream in both YouTube and Twitch. Later, I became a mod and has been able to put in and keep track of other things. Recently I started keeping track of the communities birthdays since Octo sing to everyone on their birthdays. It was suggested by the community and hes been wanting to have a calander to help remember the days their are birthdays.